Stop The Bully Captain Morgan by Diego!
Diego vs RHS Royal Hawaii Spirits Distillery
Diageo's Captain Morgan ( Pirate) vs Captain Cook (Explorer)by RHS
David vs Goliath
The world largest alcohol beverage company Diageo: $15.7 billion (United Kingdom) vs the super tiny Honolulu Micro Distillery and Crafted Beverage developer over trademark dispute - Captain Cook Brand and Trademark
Rhs Distillery is desperately looking for help to defends Captain Cook Trademark against Diego's Captain Morgan . After spending close to $20,000 , trying to negotiate a fair settlement , or at least keeping Captain Cook trademark for No Rum related alcohol beverages such as Breadfruit Bounty Vodka, Maui Pink Gin, Hula Girl Pineapple Vodka, 808 Whisky, High Seas Moonshine, Sakura Shochu, Taro Shochu, Dad's Dream Soju, Hawaii Mule Liqueur, Ahi Tuna Fish Vodka, Nori Vodka, Ginger Spirit, Haluda Bae Spirit, Turmeric Spirit , Kona Mule Liqueur , Sandwich Islands Rum, Lemonchello, Akvavit, BF Whisky and more , The Diageo's Captain Morgan ( a Pirate) with $ millions available for hiring layers vs Rhs LLC Distillery start up with no money .
RHS is looking to raise funds ( up to $150,000 according to trademark attorneys familiar with this case ) in order to stop the Bully. Any donation, buying RHS LLC Product , Pro Bono Attorney's help or sharing this story to stop corporate greed and bullying is very appreciated .
Rhs Products are available in RHS Sale and Tasting Room in Honolulu . Online Purchase by visiting
Mahalo and Aloha To everyone and Thank You for Your Moral Support , Donations and or sharing our fight against Diageo Captain Morgan Rum and Spirits